Guadalupe County Master Gardeners
Projects for Volunteer Hours
Below is the list of Guadalupe County Master Gardener Volunteer Outreach Service Opportunities. Some may have no point of contact listed (you are encouraged and welcome to lead the project); others have a point of contact listed so that you can ask questions of them or request to volunteer. Remember, all of these projects need your help by volunteering to support our community. Click on the links below to go to the specific project page for all the details.
We want your project pictures so we can post them here for all to see and enjoy! A google drive share has been setup where you can upload your pictures. Please contact Ingrid Wilgen at for the details.
Ask a Master Gardener Online and Office hours
Big Red Barn Kiosk, Seguin Christian Cupboard, Seguin Christmas Tree Decorating Contest, Seguin GCMG 4th of July Parade Float, Seguin GCMG Grow Team GCMG Monthly Membership Meeting Refreshments GCMG Plant Sales – coming soon – GC locations, Spring & Fall-SEASONALPOC: VACANT GCMG Research Library GCMG Seed Exchange GCMG Socials GCMG Video Team Growing Futures Garden, New Braunfels Guadalupe County Demonstration Garden, Schertz Guadalupe County Fair Master Gardener Booth Guadalupe County Fair Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Seguin Guitierrez Garden Park, Schertz Kingsbury Fall Harvest Festival (FallFest), Kingsbury La Vernia Primary School Garden, La Vernia Marion Veterans Community Park & Memorial, Marion Park West Pollinator & Waterwise Garden, Seguin PecanFest / Seguin Heritage Trade Day, Seguin Polley Mansion Heritage Garden, La Vernia St Andrews Community Garden, Seguin Yulefest, Seguin
Click here to see the Archive of previously supported projects by GCMG
If a Master Gardener sees a need to help with a NEW horticultural/education project, please fill out a project approval form (forms are on VMS) and contact a board member to announce at the next board meeting for review and or approval.Master Gardeners: Remember that to retain your certification you need to report your volunteer and continuing education hours using the Volunteer Management System on at least a monthly basis.
You can also see the updated list for volunteering on VMS or by clicking here (updated 11/18/2024).
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension provides equal opportunities in its programs and employment to all persons, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The Texas A&M University system, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts Cooperating.
Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the program should contact the County Extension Office at least one week prior to the program or event to request mobility, hearing, visual or other assistance.