Guadalupe County Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau–We’re eager to share gardening expertise with our community.
The Guadalupe County Master Gardeners (GCMG) has a Speakers Bureau. The Speakers Bureau can provide public presentations; deliver research-based information to various community organizations in Guadalupe County and surrounding areas. We invite requests from garden clubs, public libraries, neighborhood magazines, schools, churches, business organizations, neighborhood associations, and civic groups.
The GCMG Speakers Bureau matches the topics with the Master Gardeners area of expertise. We have an extremely talented pool of speakers with a passion for gardening. They have developed programs that reflect their knowledge and enthusiasm. Our speakers represent the Guadalupe County Extension Service and volunteer their time and expertise to the community.
Master Gardener speakers find joy and satisfaction in sharing their love of gardening with the community. The GCMG Speakers Bureau encourages you to email us with your request for a speaker for your organization.
The Guadalupe County Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau has speakers on the following subjects:
Aquaponics (Coming Soon)
Canning and Preserving
Container Gardening
Drip Irrigation
Growing and Harvesting Herbs
Hobby Greenhouses
Hobby Greenhouse Management
House Plants 101
Irrigation Efficiency
Junior Master Gardener Program in Schools
Plant Propagation
Rainwater Harvesting
Raised Bed Gardening
Shade Gardening
Vegetable Gardening
Vermiculture (Worm Composting)
Wild Flowers
Request a speaker for your organization, contact us:
Interested in joining the Speaker Bureau? Check out our Speaker Bureau Shadow Program:
Guadalupe County Master Gardeners is a voluntary service organization which supports the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service by providing horticultural education. A goal of this website is to provide gardening information to the public and inform readers about the Master Gardener program and events.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension provides equal opportunities in its programs and employment to all persons, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, disability, age, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The Texas A&M University system, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts Cooperating.
Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in the program should contact the County Extension Office at least one week prior to the program or event to request mobility, hearing, visual or other assistance.