Seguin Public Library (11:30am-12:30pm)
Peter Hernandez, Guadalupe County Master Gardener, Certified Advance Master Gardener – Compost, and Advance Master Gardener – EarthKind. Learn the fundamental concepts and practices used to produce quality compost with aerobic high temperature composting techniques. The lecture introduces the biology of the composting process and the critical elements involved in successful compost production. You will learn how to assess compost materials and to build a compost pile. Free seminar and open to the public.
Registration Required but it’s free!: Composting in the Garden registration link
Have any questions or want more info on the above event? Click here: Ask a Master Gardener
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Interested in becoming a Master Gardener or maybe gifting the course to a friend or relative? Class #39 will run from January 23rd to May 7th 2024. We will not have a Fall class in 2024, but please let us know if you are interested and/or if you missed getting into Class #39. Our next planned class starts in January of 2025. See the following link for more information and contact information: Registration Info for Next Master Gardener Class